



Traditional Chinese medicine

Zhenjiu is the combined name of acupuncture and moxibustion.Acupuncture is the practice ofinserting needles into the skin to alleviate physicalpain as well as some mental and emotional conditions.Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy where dried plants are burned on or very near the skin.

These two methods were often practiced together in ancient China.However,today burning is no longer used due to safety reasons,and so,Zhenjiu isunderstood as just acupuncture alone.

Acupuncture originated in China more than 2,000 years ago.Balance in the body was said to be at the heart of what made acupuncture so effective.It is said that qi or a person's "life force" flowed through the body via pathways called "meridians'.People believed that illness and pain was a result of these pathways being blocked.Acupuncture was said to help restore the flow of qi through the body.

The channels through which“qiflowsfrom the organs to tissues are calledmeridians,and it is along the meridianswhere most acupuncture needle points arelocated.In other words, the needles workby repairing damages to the infrastructureof our bodies, to ensure that the life forceenergy of“qican flow smoothly.

Although acupuncture by itself isinsufficient to cure all illnesses, at least itcreates a good starting point to build ahealthy body.

In more recent times, acupuncture spread internationally. In the UK, more than 3000 acupuncturists certified by the British Acupuncture Council are currently practicing.London Southbank University now offers a three-year undergraduate degree in acupuncture,and even the NHS(National Health Service) sometimes prescribe acupuncture treatment. Growing global acceptance has proved the strength of acupuncture.






